We can supply BJR sample if we have ready parts in stock, but the customers have to pay the sample cost and the courier cost.

Yes, all BJR parts have 100% test before delivery.

7-20 days, it depends on order quantity.

Yes, we can, moreover, BJR are focus on R&D products, we are able to design, develop, manufacture according to your drawings, samples or just an idea.

All BJR Performance parts, have 1 year quality warranty, if any problem caused by products itself, return free of charge.

1. We can ship by DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS or logistic carrier by air for small orders. 2. For large order, usually ship by sea. Customer can let the forwarder to collect the goods from our factory.

If have stock, no MOQ needed, if no stock, 30PCS each type.

We have very good market in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South America, and European.